Last updated: December 19, 2023
All content created and published by, including but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, and user interface design, is the property of and is protected by international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
However, all logos, brands, loyalty programs, rewards, and other content relating to other businesses represented on our site are the sole property of their respective owners. They are used on our platform purely for descriptive purposes, enabling our users to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. We neither claim any ownership over these assets nor aim to benefit from their use beyond the context explained.
While we utilize various software and tools to provide our services, we acknowledge the ownership and rights of these third-party software. We particularly employ tools like Apache, PHP, and MySQL in the delivery of our services. Their use on our platform does not imply ownership. Instead, we use these tools under their respective licenses to ensure the best service delivery to our users.
At, we respect intellectual property rights. If you believe that content on our site infringes upon your copyright or that of someone you represent, please contact us immediately. Provide all relevant details, including the copyrighted work, a link to the infringing content, and your contact information. We'll review the information and take appropriate action, including removing the content if necessary.
You can submit your Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown requests: Here